Revelation Prophecy

End Times Revealed

Obama wants to build a New World Order- sacrifice Israel

Obama’s Speech In Egypt
By Chuck Baldwin

Much has been made of President Barack Obama’s “reconciliation” speech in
Cairo, Egypt, last week. For the most part, the American media have focused
on Obama’s attempt to “repair” relations with the Muslim nations of the
world. For example, Obama referenced the Koran five times, and the Bible
only once. (It is noteworthy that one of the Koranic references Obama used
was a verse dedicated to Islamic Jihad, in which Muslims are required to
kill infidels–meaning those who are not Muslims, of course. Not
surprisingly, the vast majority of America’s major media failed to report
this story. See:
As nonsensical and revolting as much of Obama’s speech was, the most
egregiously dangerous statement he made in his Egyptian speech was another
one that all but a small portion of America’s mainstream media bothered to
report. The sinister statement is as follows:

“Given our interdependence, any world order that elevates one nation or
group of people over another will inevitably fail. So whatever we think of
the past, we must not be prisoners to it.” (Barack Obama 06/04/2009, Source:

Like his predecessors, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George H.W. Bush,
Barack Obama envisions a global union, in which all nations are linked
commercially, governmentally, and militarily. Bush I called it a “New World
Order;” Bush II called it an “international order;” Clinton often
regurgitated Bush Sr.’s “New World Order” mantra; and Barack Obama called it
a “world order.” Do people not recognize that every President since Ronald
Reagan (both Democrat and Republican) has called for an international
one-world order? Obama’s speech goes a step further, however.

In calling for a “world order,” Obama blatantly said “Given our
interdependence, any world order that elevates one nation . . . over another
will inevitably fail.” Does everyone understand what Obama is saying? In
order for this new “world order” to materialize, no individual nation can be
preferred over another–not even our own. In a word, no country can be
allowed to maintain national sovereignty, independence, or military
superiority. All nations must be willing to surrender their sovereignty and
independence to the new “world order.” Furthermore, all nations must be
willing to submit their militaries to a new global military. Oh yes, my
friend, all of this is inferred in Obama’s statement.

The last half of Obama’s statement is equally chilling: “Whatever we think
of the past, we must not be prisoners to it.” In other words, Americans must
forget about the heritage and tradition of our past. The ideas of national
sovereignty and independence are archaic. The notion of “America First” is
passé. The principles of constitutional government must be replaced with the
international principles of a new “world order.”

In this regard, it would not have mattered to a tinker’s dam if John McCain
had been elected President instead of Barack Obama. I well remember McCain
repeatedly saying that one of the first things he would do after becoming
President would be to implement a new “League of Democracies.” In fact, look
no further than to a speech McCain made to the Hoover Institution. According
to McCain, “The new League of Democracies would form the core of an
international order.” (Source: John McCain Addresses The Hoover Institution,
CFR Publication, May 1, 2007)

At the national level, both the Republican and Democratic parties are taking
the United States headlong into an international “New World Order.” The
national news media is likewise culpable, as are the vast majority of the
Religious Right and most other religious entities, organizations, and

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